Soooooo, I took another extended hiatus from the blog. I have to admit I've been physically and mentally drained these past few weeks. Mustering the energy and motivation to simply throw my dirty clothes in a hamper or rinse a plate has been nearly impossible. There are a couple of reasons for this.
First of all, Easter is really late this year. Because I teach at a Catholic school, I have to wait for a break that corresponds with Easter which happens to be the last week of April this year. Let's just say it's a looooong wait for that break not only for the students but the teachers as well. I'm in need of a recharge and a break badly.
Second of all, I don't feel fully recovered from the WASC preparations that consumed my life for most of the year. Add to that First Communion planning, field trips, math conferences and you have one tired Reluctant Overachiever.
Luckily I made it! I'm off tomorrow through May 1st and I fully intend to take full advantage of my break to SLEEP!!! I'm definitely one of those people that needs her sleep.
With the proper rest and nourishment, I hope to have the energy to plant some things that I won't kill in two days. I was so inspired in Germany last summer when I saw window boxes brimming with flowers on what seemed like every windowsill. How I would love to cover our sad looking patio with green life and flowers.
Overachiever away!!! Enjoy some lovely photos that I took in Rothenburg, Germany and take a break this spring :)