I've survived yet another week and have made it to the weekend. Today, all my hubby and I have done is clean, clean, clean. I feel so much better when the house is clean and organized. Our problem is just maintaining the level of cleanliness/organization that we aspire to.
It's not that we're lazy people. We're just both procrastinators, have stressful jobs, and work long hours. Neither of us are neat freaks either, so keeping a perfect home usually isn't the priority after a long day.
Recently though, our house had passed from being livably disorganized, to stressful and kind of...well...gross.
I can now say our house is clean...for now. I took the opportunity to take some photos of our living room to share with all of you.
A view coming in the front door. |
To the right is our little dining nook and our tiny kitchen. |
A framed print of Rothenberg that we bought in Germany and our Waterford crystal candle holders. I can't wait to add more artwork to that wall. That project is on my list of things to do. |
A view of our tiny kitchen. |
A vintage cabinet that belonged to my husband's grandparents. We store nice dishes, serving bowls, alcohol glasses, and other entertaining-related stuff in there. Beer, wine, and alcohol (along with our German beer glasses) sit on top. |
Extra chairs serve as tables to put bags on when we get home from work or from the store. |
A vintage side table from my parents. Mail, a framed picture of us, and a bowl filled with chocolates sit on top. Board games and cards are inside. |
Magazines, books, and the remote sit on the coffee table. My Macbook is inside. |
A side table holds books and random small items. |
Cords. Need a way to hide these...More books and our National Geographic magazines. |
Our DVD collection to the right (zombie figurines are on top). A signed copy of Hot Fuzz's DVD cover graces the wall (yes, we're geeks). |
Frames and vases sit on the mantel. The painting is from Haiti (my husband's family goes there quite often). The vase on the right was made by my aunt. Another project is to put pictures in all the frames and rearrange items on the mantel. |
Another shot from behind the couch. |
Another project is to find different art for the wall behind the couch. The zombie posters are mine from college (I love horror films). I'm looking for something a little more grown-up though :) |
View of the hallway. Our guest bathroom is to the right. The two bedrooms are to the left. |
View of our little balcony. We live on the third story so we have a nice view of the grassy area in our complex. |
Our cleaning schedule...That we don't really follow. It does give us motivation though and it feels satisfying to check off items during our cleaning binges. |
I LOVE this cleaning schedule idea. I have a very basic one and I'm often forgetting some other things that need to be done! I wish I was that organized!!!!
If only we followed it consistently...hahaha! We're getting better though. It's up on the fridge as a constant reminder.
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