November 20, 2010

Rainy Day

Dear two readers,

Sorry about the spotty posting. It's been a loooooong week to say the least.

I think starting off the week with two half-days (for parent conferences) was a mistake. You see, the students get very excited for shorter school days for some reason. They remained very excited the whole week. The students also sensed the upcoming holiday which increased the excitement to a level where a simple statement of, "Today we're going to do some math!" provoked screams and what sounded like a rabid squirrels dying.

I'll post some Thanksgiving ideas tomorrow. Tonight, I'm having a cozy night in with my sweetie watching Conan on the DVR and snuggling by a roaring fire. I finally cooked him my "surprise" meal of pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and spicy Italian sausage. And beer.

Enjoy your evening everyone!

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