November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks

Sooooo, I was supposed to post some Thanksgiving ideas. I sort of forgot and then decided to put it off one day longer so I could take some pictures tomorrow of my class' Thanksgiving Feast.

Until then here is the excitement that's been happening in my life lately. We caught up with a couple of friends over some really good beer. We broke in our fire place. And, perhaps more excitingly, we fiiiiiinally got ourselves a dining room table. Yes, we've lived in our place for almost six months and have been eating on the couch. It feels good to have a table and chairs. It feels even more like a real home in here now. Speaking of real homes, I cannot WAIT to start decorating for Christmas. Yay!

This month I am thankful for:

Good beer.

Really good beer.

Beer Cheese Fries (what's left of them anyway).

Really alcoholic beer.

Husband making fire.

Oooooh, fire!

Yummy breakfasts.

Door wreaths.

Pretty, muted sunset colors.

Student turkey art

Bulletin boards.

Classroom decorations.

Classroom doors.

The Food Pyramid.

Thanksgiving crafts.

Cute calendars. 

Bulletin boards with spelling mistakes (it was my aide I swear!).

New tables!!!

Apple pies baking in the oven.

More new furniture (family of the table).

1 comment:

JMay said...

Love all your pics, lovely blog! :-) Your classroom decor is adorable!